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Ricoh MPC407SPF Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

SC672-10Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
SC835-00Description: Self-diagnostic error: Centronic device [xxxx]: Detailed error code
SC541-01, SC541-11Description: SC541- 01 Fusing thermopile error SC541- 11 Fusing thermopile error (Low power) The machine detects the value of AD is the prescribed value for 0.2 consecutive seconds after the fusing lamp is activated.
SC864-00Description: HD data CRC error During HD operation, the HD cannot respond to a CRC error query. Data transfer did not execute normally while data was being written to the HD.
SC144-00Description: SBU communication error The machine cannot detect that the SBU is connected.

Ricoh MPC407SPF Common Errors

The most common error codes.

SC672-10Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
SC835-00Description: Self-diagnostic error: Centronic device [xxxx]: Detailed error code
SC541-01, SC541-11Description: SC541- 01 Fusing thermopile error SC541- 11 Fusing thermopile error (Low power) The machine detects the value of AD is the prescribed value for 0.2 consecutive seconds after the fusing lamp is activated.
SC864-00Description: HD data CRC error During HD operation, the HD cannot respond to a CRC error query. Data transfer did not execute normally while data was being written to the HD.
SC144-00Description: SBU communication error The machine cannot detect that the SBU is connected.
SC672-10Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
SC835-00Description: Self-diagnostic error: Centronic device [xxxx]: Detailed error code
SC541-01, SC541-11Description: SC541- 01 Fusing thermopile error SC541- 11 Fusing thermopile error (Low power) The machine detects the value of AD is the prescribed value for 0.2 consecutive seconds after the fusing lamp is activated.
SC864-00Description: HD data CRC error During HD operation, the HD cannot respond to a CRC error query. Data transfer did not execute normally while data was being written to the HD.
SC144-00Description: SBU communication error The machine cannot detect that the SBU is connected.