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Ricoh MPC406ZSPF Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

230-04Description: FGATE ON error: Ye. FGATE signal cannot be received even when the laser is ready to emit. This SC is detected when the machine is copying.
498-00Description: Temperature/humidity sensor error • The thermistor output of the temperature sensor is not within the prescribed range (more than 3.0V to less than 0.5V. • The thermistor output of the humidity sensor is not within the prescribed range (2.4V
870Description: Address Book data error. When an error related to the Address Book is detected during startup or operation.
672-00Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
841-00Description: EEPROM read data error. Mirrored data of the EEPROM is different from the original data in EEPROM.

Ricoh MPC406ZSPF Common Errors

The most common error codes.

230-04Description: FGATE ON error: Ye. FGATE signal cannot be received even when the laser is ready to emit. This SC is detected when the machine is copying.
498-00Description: Temperature/humidity sensor error • The thermistor output of the temperature sensor is not within the prescribed range (more than 3.0V to less than 0.5V. • The thermistor output of the humidity sensor is not within the prescribed range (2.4V
870Description: Address Book data error. When an error related to the Address Book is detected during startup or operation.
672-00Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
841-00Description: EEPROM read data error. Mirrored data of the EEPROM is different from the original data in EEPROM.
230-04Description: FGATE ON error: Ye. FGATE signal cannot be received even when the laser is ready to emit. This SC is detected when the machine is copying.
498-00Description: Temperature/humidity sensor error • The thermistor output of the temperature sensor is not within the prescribed range (more than 3.0V to less than 0.5V. • The thermistor output of the humidity sensor is not within the prescribed range (2.4V
870Description: Address Book data error. When an error related to the Address Book is detected during startup or operation.
672-00Description: Controller start up error After the machine was powered on, communication between the controller and the operation panel was not established.
841-00Description: EEPROM read data error. Mirrored data of the EEPROM is different from the original data in EEPROM.