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Panasonic UF4600 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

434Description: CD (response from Modem) did not turn OFF within 180 sec. after receiver detected FLAG signal.
403Description: Transmitter had no polling function.
415Description: Remote side attempted to receive message from your machine in polling communication.
001Description: Timing Sensor did not turn ON within a certain period of time.
540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.

Panasonic UF4600 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

434Description: CD (response from Modem) did not turn OFF within 180 sec. after receiver detected FLAG signal.
403Description: Transmitter had no polling function.
415Description: Remote side attempted to receive message from your machine in polling communication.
001Description: Timing Sensor did not turn ON within a certain period of time.
540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.
434Description: CD (response from Modem) did not turn OFF within 180 sec. after receiver detected FLAG signal.
403Description: Transmitter had no polling function.
415Description: Remote side attempted to receive message from your machine in polling communication.
001Description: Timing Sensor did not turn ON within a certain period of time.
540Description: No response after transmitting 3rd CTC or DCN received.