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Lexmark X466de Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

200.26Description: The trailing edge never cleared the input sensor when feeding out the media that was detected during warmup.
84Description: Replace PC Kit
54Description: Standard Network Software Error
88Description: Cartridge Early Life Warning
958.xxDescription: Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections

Lexmark X466de Common Errors

The most common error codes.

200.26Description: The trailing edge never cleared the input sensor when feeding out the media that was detected during warmup.
84Description: Replace PC Kit
54Description: Standard Network Software Error
88Description: Cartridge Early Life Warning
958.xxDescription: Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections
200.26Description: The trailing edge never cleared the input sensor when feeding out the media that was detected during warmup.
84Description: Replace PC Kit
54Description: Standard Network Software Error
88Description: Cartridge Early Life Warning
958.xxDescription: Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections