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Lexmark MS812de Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

202.33Description: Expected wide page not detected by sensor (narrow media), possible accordion jam or missing signal
140.10...146.00Description: 140.10 Main drive motor halls not detected 140.20 Main drive motor took too long to stop 140.30 Main drive motor unable To lock (before motor ID) 140.40 Main drive motor over speed detected 140.60 Main drive motor unable to lock (after motor
843.07Description: The ADF elevator tray home position is not detected by the sensor (ADF elevator tray home position).
200.14Description: Proper main motor feedback to start laser servo was not received.
953.xxDescription: NVRAM chip failure with mirror part

Lexmark MS812de Common Errors

The most common error codes.

202.33Description: Expected wide page not detected by sensor (narrow media), possible accordion jam or missing signal
140.10...146.00Description: 140.10 Main drive motor halls not detected 140.20 Main drive motor took too long to stop 140.30 Main drive motor unable To lock (before motor ID) 140.40 Main drive motor over speed detected 140.60 Main drive motor unable to lock (after motor
843.07Description: The ADF elevator tray home position is not detected by the sensor (ADF elevator tray home position).
200.14Description: Proper main motor feedback to start laser servo was not received.
953.xxDescription: NVRAM chip failure with mirror part
202.33Description: Expected wide page not detected by sensor (narrow media), possible accordion jam or missing signal
140.10...146.00Description: 140.10 Main drive motor halls not detected 140.20 Main drive motor took too long to stop 140.30 Main drive motor unable To lock (before motor ID) 140.40 Main drive motor over speed detected 140.60 Main drive motor unable to lock (after motor
843.07Description: The ADF elevator tray home position is not detected by the sensor (ADF elevator tray home position).
200.14Description: Proper main motor feedback to start laser servo was not received.
953.xxDescription: NVRAM chip failure with mirror part