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Lexmark MS410d Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

200.31, 200.32, 200.33Description: 200.31 Paper, in the middle of a job, at input sensor before interrupt occurred. 200.32 Detected cover switch bounce. 200.33 Input sensor covered too quickly.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.60...31.65Description: 31.60 Imaging unit smart chip error 31.61 Imaging unit I2C packet timeout 31.62 Imaging unit I2C packet has been sent but code timedout on receiving the data (callback) 31.63 Imaging unit security error in the send challenge sequence 31.64 I
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)

Lexmark MS410d Common Errors

The most common error codes.

200.31, 200.32, 200.33Description: 200.31 Paper, in the middle of a job, at input sensor before interrupt occurred. 200.32 Detected cover switch bounce. 200.33 Input sensor covered too quickly.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.60...31.65Description: 31.60 Imaging unit smart chip error 31.61 Imaging unit I2C packet timeout 31.62 Imaging unit I2C packet has been sent but code timedout on receiving the data (callback) 31.63 Imaging unit security error in the send challenge sequence 31.64 I
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
200.31, 200.32, 200.33Description: 200.31 Paper, in the middle of a job, at input sensor before interrupt occurred. 200.32 Detected cover switch bounce. 200.33 Input sensor covered too quickly.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.60...31.65Description: 31.60 Imaging unit smart chip error 31.61 Imaging unit I2C packet timeout 31.62 Imaging unit I2C packet has been sent but code timedout on receiving the data (callback) 31.63 Imaging unit security error in the send challenge sequence 31.64 I
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)