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Lexmark CX410 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

910.xx...919.xxDescription: 910.xx Service Engine Software A general engine software error. 911.xx Service Engine Software 912.xx Service Engine Software 913.xx Service Engine Software 914.xx Service Engine Software 915.xx Service Engine Software 916.xx Service Engine
959.xxDescription: Service Invalid Firmware Controller verification failure of system boot code. 959.0x Service System Board System hardware failure.
141.01...141.27Description: 141.0x Service Cartridge Motor Cartridge motor error 141.01 Service Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time. 141.02 Service Cartridge Motor Time out waiting for SAP BLDC motor to reach valid FG speed. 141.03 Ser
938.01...938.04Description: 938.01 Service Engine Hardware Board level was not obtained. 938.02 Service Engine Hardware Time out waiting for bullet serial data to be updated. 938.03 Service Engine Hardware NVM_OK was not received from NV2 server for successfully submit
960.xxDescription: Service Memory Error RAM memory error: RAM soldered on the board is bad.

Lexmark CX410 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

910.xx...919.xxDescription: 910.xx Service Engine Software A general engine software error. 911.xx Service Engine Software 912.xx Service Engine Software 913.xx Service Engine Software 914.xx Service Engine Software 915.xx Service Engine Software 916.xx Service Engine
959.xxDescription: Service Invalid Firmware Controller verification failure of system boot code. 959.0x Service System Board System hardware failure.
141.01...141.27Description: 141.0x Service Cartridge Motor Cartridge motor error 141.01 Service Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time. 141.02 Service Cartridge Motor Time out waiting for SAP BLDC motor to reach valid FG speed. 141.03 Ser
938.01...938.04Description: 938.01 Service Engine Hardware Board level was not obtained. 938.02 Service Engine Hardware Time out waiting for bullet serial data to be updated. 938.03 Service Engine Hardware NVM_OK was not received from NV2 server for successfully submit
960.xxDescription: Service Memory Error RAM memory error: RAM soldered on the board is bad.
910.xx...919.xxDescription: 910.xx Service Engine Software A general engine software error. 911.xx Service Engine Software 912.xx Service Engine Software 913.xx Service Engine Software 914.xx Service Engine Software 915.xx Service Engine Software 916.xx Service Engine
959.xxDescription: Service Invalid Firmware Controller verification failure of system boot code. 959.0x Service System Board System hardware failure.
141.01...141.27Description: 141.0x Service Cartridge Motor Cartridge motor error 141.01 Service Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time. 141.02 Service Cartridge Motor Time out waiting for SAP BLDC motor to reach valid FG speed. 141.03 Ser
938.01...938.04Description: 938.01 Service Engine Hardware Board level was not obtained. 938.02 Service Engine Hardware Time out waiting for bullet serial data to be updated. 938.03 Service Engine Hardware NVM_OK was not received from NV2 server for successfully submit
960.xxDescription: Service Memory Error RAM memory error: RAM soldered on the board is bad.