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Lexmark C770n Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

177.xxDescription: MFP Motor Error
925.02Description: Fan Stalled Fuser fan
975.xxDescription: Standard Network or Network Card x Unrecognizable network Errors 975 through 979 indicate a failure with the standard network port located on the system board or a network card in the specified slot x, x=1, 2 or 3
952.xxDescription: NVRAM Failure NVRAM chip failure
122.03Description: Fuser open thermistor. Hot roll thermistor circuit is open If error code 122.03 displays, the printer detects a problem in the fuser hot roll, fuser hot roll thermistor, system board, or LVPS fuser control circuits.

Lexmark C770n Common Errors

The most common error codes.

177.xxDescription: MFP Motor Error
925.02Description: Fan Stalled Fuser fan
975.xxDescription: Standard Network or Network Card x Unrecognizable network Errors 975 through 979 indicate a failure with the standard network port located on the system board or a network card in the specified slot x, x=1, 2 or 3
952.xxDescription: NVRAM Failure NVRAM chip failure
122.03Description: Fuser open thermistor. Hot roll thermistor circuit is open If error code 122.03 displays, the printer detects a problem in the fuser hot roll, fuser hot roll thermistor, system board, or LVPS fuser control circuits.
177.xxDescription: MFP Motor Error
925.02Description: Fan Stalled Fuser fan
975.xxDescription: Standard Network or Network Card x Unrecognizable network Errors 975 through 979 indicate a failure with the standard network port located on the system board or a network card in the specified slot x, x=1, 2 or 3
952.xxDescription: NVRAM Failure NVRAM chip failure
122.03Description: Fuser open thermistor. Hot roll thermistor circuit is open If error code 122.03 displays, the printer detects a problem in the fuser hot roll, fuser hot roll thermistor, system board, or LVPS fuser control circuits.