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Lexmark C546dtn Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

975.xxDescription: Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
940.xxDescription: Service LV Power Supply A RIP to engine communication failure.The zero crossing signal used for fuser control in the low-voltage (LV) powersupply has failed, or the wrong low-voltage power supply has been installed.
153.01Description: Service Magenta Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time.
108.04Description: Service Magenta Printhead The magenta printhead mirror motors lost motor lock.

Lexmark C546dtn Common Errors

The most common error codes.

975.xxDescription: Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
940.xxDescription: Service LV Power Supply A RIP to engine communication failure.The zero crossing signal used for fuser control in the low-voltage (LV) powersupply has failed, or the wrong low-voltage power supply has been installed.
153.01Description: Service Magenta Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time.
108.04Description: Service Magenta Printhead The magenta printhead mirror motors lost motor lock.
975.xxDescription: Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
940.xxDescription: Service LV Power Supply A RIP to engine communication failure.The zero crossing signal used for fuser control in the low-voltage (LV) powersupply has failed, or the wrong low-voltage power supply has been installed.
153.01Description: Service Magenta Cartridge Motor Failed to achieve lock for motor within allotted time.
108.04Description: Service Magenta Printhead The magenta printhead mirror motors lost motor lock.