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HP DesignJet 5000 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0B0006Description: The Trailing Cable has been incorrectly connected.
010042Description: Error in Service Station-axis Encoder quadrature.
0C1001Description: Primer Shutdown Error.
0A0040Description: APS Failure.
0B0007Description: Unable to detect Vacuum Fan.

HP DesignJet 5000 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0B0006Description: The Trailing Cable has been incorrectly connected.
010042Description: Error in Service Station-axis Encoder quadrature.
0C1001Description: Primer Shutdown Error.
0A0040Description: APS Failure.
0B0007Description: Unable to detect Vacuum Fan.
0B0006Description: The Trailing Cable has been incorrectly connected.
010042Description: Error in Service Station-axis Encoder quadrature.
0C1001Description: Primer Shutdown Error.
0A0040Description: APS Failure.
0B0007Description: Unable to detect Vacuum Fan.