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Canon iR2250 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E001-0002Description: The sub thermistor detects about 295C or higher
E530-0001Description: The aligning plate (rear) does not leave home position when the alignment motor (rear) is driven for 3 sec
E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with coin vender (serial communication)
E315Description: Any of the following is true in the image processing by the main controller: The image data has a fault The encoding/decoding operation for image data has a fault The image processing element of the main controller PCB has a fault
E540-0001Description: The paper surface sensor remains unchanged 10 sec after the tray ascent/ descent motor is driven

Canon iR2250 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E001-0002Description: The sub thermistor detects about 295C or higher
E530-0001Description: The aligning plate (rear) does not leave home position when the alignment motor (rear) is driven for 3 sec
E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with coin vender (serial communication)
E315Description: Any of the following is true in the image processing by the main controller: The image data has a fault The encoding/decoding operation for image data has a fault The image processing element of the main controller PCB has a fault
E540-0001Description: The paper surface sensor remains unchanged 10 sec after the tray ascent/ descent motor is driven
E001-0002Description: The sub thermistor detects about 295C or higher
E530-0001Description: The aligning plate (rear) does not leave home position when the alignment motor (rear) is driven for 3 sec
E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with coin vender (serial communication)
E315Description: Any of the following is true in the image processing by the main controller: The image data has a fault The encoding/decoding operation for image data has a fault The image processing element of the main controller PCB has a fault
E540-0001Description: The paper surface sensor remains unchanged 10 sec after the tray ascent/ descent motor is driven