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Canon MF6550 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

000cDescription: Delivery delay jam (R2002)
E001-0000Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature 235 deg C) during temperature control
E730-0000Description: inside error of the image processor PCB (PDL system error) The inside of the image processor PCB is faulty.
000Description: Delivery stationary jam (SR2002)
E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.

Canon MF6550 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

000cDescription: Delivery delay jam (R2002)
E001-0000Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature 235 deg C) during temperature control
E730-0000Description: inside error of the image processor PCB (PDL system error) The inside of the image processor PCB is faulty.
000Description: Delivery stationary jam (SR2002)
E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.
000cDescription: Delivery delay jam (R2002)
E001-0000Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature 235 deg C) during temperature control
E730-0000Description: inside error of the image processor PCB (PDL system error) The inside of the image processor PCB is faulty.
000Description: Delivery stationary jam (SR2002)
E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.