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Canon i-SENSYS MF4660 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.
E733-0000Description: Erroneous communication between controller and printer Cannot communicate with the printer at startup.
E002-0000Description: Low temperature during temperature control. The target temperature is not reached during temperature control.
E736-0000Description: CCU communication error The installed modem PCB is incompatible.
E003-0000Description: Abnormally low temperature (detected by main thermistor) After the temperature detected by the main thermistor has reached the specified value, it does not reach the specified value during initial rotation.

Canon i-SENSYS MF4660 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.
E733-0000Description: Erroneous communication between controller and printer Cannot communicate with the printer at startup.
E002-0000Description: Low temperature during temperature control. The target temperature is not reached during temperature control.
E736-0000Description: CCU communication error The installed modem PCB is incompatible.
E003-0000Description: Abnormally low temperature (detected by main thermistor) After the temperature detected by the main thermistor has reached the specified value, it does not reach the specified value during initial rotation.
E001-0001Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.
E733-0000Description: Erroneous communication between controller and printer Cannot communicate with the printer at startup.
E002-0000Description: Low temperature during temperature control. The target temperature is not reached during temperature control.
E736-0000Description: CCU communication error The installed modem PCB is incompatible.
E003-0000Description: Abnormally low temperature (detected by main thermistor) After the temperature detected by the main thermistor has reached the specified value, it does not reach the specified value during initial rotation.