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Canon DPC995 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0261Description: Duplex Feed Sensor P201
E744-0002Description: Language file size error The size of the language file exceeded the upper limit.
E805-0000Description: Main Fan error The Main Fan was locked for a specified consecutive period of time.
1198Description: Top Sensor/Media full sensor/Fixing Delivery Sensor PS204/205/915
E100-0000Description: Laser Scanner Assembly error At the Laser Scanner Unit, BD cycle was not within the specified range.

Canon DPC995 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0261Description: Duplex Feed Sensor P201
E744-0002Description: Language file size error The size of the language file exceeded the upper limit.
E805-0000Description: Main Fan error The Main Fan was locked for a specified consecutive period of time.
1198Description: Top Sensor/Media full sensor/Fixing Delivery Sensor PS204/205/915
E100-0000Description: Laser Scanner Assembly error At the Laser Scanner Unit, BD cycle was not within the specified range.
0261Description: Duplex Feed Sensor P201
E744-0002Description: Language file size error The size of the language file exceeded the upper limit.
E805-0000Description: Main Fan error The Main Fan was locked for a specified consecutive period of time.
1198Description: Top Sensor/Media full sensor/Fixing Delivery Sensor PS204/205/915
E100-0000Description: Laser Scanner Assembly error At the Laser Scanner Unit, BD cycle was not within the specified range.