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Canon ImageCLASS D1170 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E001-0Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) - The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.
E730-0Description: Inside error of the Main Controller Board (PDL system error) - The inside of the Main Controller Board is faulty.
#705Description: Exceeded max. image size per document - Exceeded max number of image pages (100 pages) in PDF transmission
#812Description: POP3 password error
E001-1Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) - The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.

Canon ImageCLASS D1170 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E001-0Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) - The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.
E730-0Description: Inside error of the Main Controller Board (PDL system error) - The inside of the Main Controller Board is faulty.
#705Description: Exceeded max. image size per document - Exceeded max number of image pages (100 pages) in PDF transmission
#812Description: POP3 password error
E001-1Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) - The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.
E001-0Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) - The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.
E730-0Description: Inside error of the Main Controller Board (PDL system error) - The inside of the Main Controller Board is faulty.
#705Description: Exceeded max. image size per document - Exceeded max number of image pages (100 pages) in PDF transmission
#812Description: POP3 password error
E001-1Description: Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) - The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature during temperature control.