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Brother MFC5200C Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

83Description: Recording paper jam. (At the retry of paper pulling-in operation, the registration sensor is not OFF.)
B2Description: Gain control data level error for scanning.
2BDescription: No yellow ink cartridge is loaded.
E8Description: Data scanning error during transmission.
48Description: Weak connection of the head flat cable M (main-head power line).or W (driver-head signal line)

Brother MFC5200C Common Errors

The most common error codes.

83Description: Recording paper jam. (At the retry of paper pulling-in operation, the registration sensor is not OFF.)
B2Description: Gain control data level error for scanning.
2BDescription: No yellow ink cartridge is loaded.
E8Description: Data scanning error during transmission.
48Description: Weak connection of the head flat cable M (main-head power line).or W (driver-head signal line)
83Description: Recording paper jam. (At the retry of paper pulling-in operation, the registration sensor is not OFF.)
B2Description: Gain control data level error for scanning.
2BDescription: No yellow ink cartridge is loaded.
E8Description: Data scanning error during transmission.
48Description: Weak connection of the head flat cable M (main-head power line).or W (driver-head signal line)