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Brother DCP310CN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

8Description: Current protection for the driver IC activated in paper feeding operation.
F6Description: PC interface error.
3XDescription: Head/carriage unit travel error
52Description: The purge cam switch does not come ON at each detection point.
AFDescription: CIS positioning error

Brother DCP310CN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

8Description: Current protection for the driver IC activated in paper feeding operation.
F6Description: PC interface error.
3XDescription: Head/carriage unit travel error
52Description: The purge cam switch does not come ON at each detection point.
AFDescription: CIS positioning error
83Description: Recording paper jam. (The registration sensor detects paper abnormally early in paper feeding operation.)
A5Description: FAX scanning failure (1st time)
44Description: The temperature of the print head driver has risen abnormally. The head driver chip temperature sensor in the COF detect abnormally high temperature.
B6Description: Horizontal scanning edge enlargement detection error in scanning area setting (Not used.)
E8Description: Data scanning error during transmission.